Nicolas Buffe : The Dream of Polifilo
An initiatory journey searching for love, between play and seriousness
Hong Kong City Hall, Exhibition Hall - May 4 – 29, 2017 - 10AM - 8PM

Nicolas Buffe’s first exhibition in Hong Kong features the artist’s famous site-specific mural drawings, his large scale “cut-out” sculptures and new works inspired by the vibration of this modern city. It is going to be a fantastic journey for the visitors.
On the occasion of this solo exhibition, the artist will follow Polifilo’s adventures as an initiatory journey. From room to room, visitors will be invited to live in as an allegorical dream, the various stages of an adventurous way, made with various discoveries, games and surprises, between the lightness of a theme park and the seriousness of an exhibition.
His work is a navigation inside an anachronistic network of cultural and historical references combining both classical culture and pop culture, especially those from his childhood. A wide range of cultural materials such as Baroque ornaments, Renaissance grotesques, American cartoons, Japanese anime and manga are fused in his works – definitely dazzling for your eyes.
A labyrinth is installed as the central part of the exhibition, and an animated demonstration will be projected on the walls. You are invited to delve into the artist’s person vision of a fantastic world through a video game: be prepared for an inspiring, imaginative and magical multi-art form exhibition.
The exhibition will be exceptionally closed Thursday May the 4th from 3PM to 8PM and Friday May the 5th from 10AM to 11AM.
Public Guided Tour
6 May / 13 May 2017 / 14 May 2017 /21 May 2017 / 27 May 2017
5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
FREE ADMISSION. To register, please click here.
More Details here
Info :

Cupid’s boat / to Cythera
2017 / 45 x 187 x 175 cm / wood, acrylic paint, marker, 3D printed nylon
The 3D printed central part was made with the support of DMM.make

Super Polifilo (v2)
2017, mixed media, 3D print, paint, marker
Made with the support of DMM.make
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